Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lost a Pound . . .???

The HCG Diet fully explained . . .
Well, I lost a pound yesterday while on maintenance, but I stayed within the 2 pound window, so no need to concern myself.  I did start working out on Monday, so I may try to add 100-150  more calories each day to keep the my weight stable.  In other news, Rangers lost their first home game last night, but at least they did it in style (15-4).  Last night I did some reading from Kevin Trudeau's book entitled "The Weight Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About."  This is a great read if you are considering the HCG diet or currently on it because it describes in detail Dr. Simeon's diet protocol.  There is some really good information about the diet in the book.  This was the primary book that my wife, Stacy, read as she researched the diet before we began the diet.  It was, in fact, Stacy who did all the reading and research leading up to the diet and I was very skeptical and doubtful that I could follow such a strict diet protocol.  Nonetheless, Stacy's knowledge gained from the book helped us out tremendously when we started out the diet.  The book also goes into some conspiracy theories about the food and medical industry and how it wants to keep Americans fat.  I don't know how much of that I buy into, but I do think all the information and research the author has done on Simeon's HCG diet is dead on.  A worthy read if your considering this diet.
Here is a good tidbit (did I just say "tidbit??" of info from the book about apples:  try to eat at least two apple a day because they are such a good source of protein and fiber, plus they really prime your metabolism.  I have really develop a fondness for apples since beginning the diet.  Some of my favorites are Gala and Fiji. I try to have one for breakfast and before going to bed. 

Here is a breakdown of my meals yesterday while on the maintenance phase:

Breakfast:  3 egg omelet w/baby spinach leafs and 1 slice of colby jack cheese - 290
                    1/2 Gala apple - 40

Snack:  1 md. plum - 45
              1 kosher pickle spear - 5

Lunch:  2Skinless, boneless grilled chicken thighs - 330
              2 cups of Herb Mix salad - 20
              WASA multigrain crisp bread - 45
             1 kosher pickle spear - 5
             1 cup of cantelope - 50

Snack:  1 hard boiled egg - 70
              1 kosher pickle spear - 5
Dinner:  8oz 96/4 extra lean ground beef patty - 300
               4 leafs of red lettuce - 20
               WASA multigrain crisp bread - 45
               1 kosher pickle spear - 5
               1 large orange - 100

Snack:  1 med Gala apple - 80

Total Calories:  1455

Baseball quote of the day - "I have to watch my playing weight.  But the problem is that I don't know what my playing weight is.  I never play."  - Bob Ucker

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