Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Life Phase" Begins Today.

Not a bad spread or a low calorie diet!
Well, I weighed in this morning at 169.5lbs, which was actually a loss of 3lbs from yesterday.  Yesterday marked my last day on the Maintenance Phase - Round 2, which I was able to maintain a weight between 170-172 for 3 weeks eating right around 1550-1600 calories.  I suppose I lost yesterday because I did not have lunch - only two meals and snacks so my calorie count was a little low for yesterday.  And, I had a pretty good workout as well to burn some calories.  But now it is on to what the diet calls the Life Phase, in which your metabolism is has been set to keep my body at or around it's current weight if I continue to eat wisely.  I will detail my plan for the life phase in tomorrow's post.  But what I can say is that since Jan.14th, I have lost 50lbs doing two complete diet protocols.  I would have never thought I would be capable of doing that.  I just assumed I would be overweight for the rest of my life and then I stumbled upon this diet protocol.  I know how bad my eating habits were and how I felt like there were foods that I felt I could not live with (soft drinks), but I am living proof that if you sincerely make the effort and are serious about losing weight, then the HCG Protocol can empower you to do so.  Will it be easy - no, but it certainly wasn't as difficult as I thought or imagined it to be.  I feel like I eat better and enjoy food now more than I ever did, I just don't have a belly that looks like I do anymore.

Here was my last maintenance day diet from yesterday:

Breakfast:  3 fried eggs in organic EVO - 210
                    8oz. grilled bone-in porkchops - 210
                    med. Gala apple - 80

Snack:  2 hard boiled eggs - 140
             1 kosher pickle spear - 5

Dinner:  8oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast - 240
              1 skinless grilled chicken leg - 130
              2 cups of spring mix salad - 20
              2 kosher pickle spears - 10
              1 jalepeno sausage bomber - 60
              1 cup of fresh mango - 110

Snack:   1 large navel orange - 100
               1 med. plum - 45

Total Calories:  1160 (too low for me to maintain) 
10 Quotes in 10 Days from Dunder Mifflin Scranton Branch Office Manager himself (A Farewell Tribute to Michael Scott):
"You’re very exotic looking. Was your dad a G.I.?"

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