Wednesday, May 4, 2011

And I'm Off . . .

Trying to "get my groove on" in the life phase . . .
and on my own again with no restrictive diet to follow.  According to the diet protocol, after you have finished the Maintenance Phase, you have reset your metabolism and it will burn fat at a rate that will maintain your current weight.  Of course, you have to continue to eat wisely and moderately, however, you can now have servings of things that have been previously forbidden such as sugars and starches.  I don't want anyone to think that you can just start eating everything and anything again and still maintain their weight - not at all.  I do feel like my metabolism has changed an so have my eating habits and that perhaps is the most important element of all of this. For example:

I eat more frequently each day.  In the past, I would have a large calorie fast-food breakfast, no lunch, and a very large dinner combined with numerous Cokes during the day to keep me going.  Even though I was not eating but two meals a day, my calorie count was very high.  I figure that I was taking in between 6000-7050 calories each day and probably close to 9000 on weekends.  That sounds high, but it was easily obtainable considering what I ate and drank.  Now, I eat three solid, and filling meals each day and have snacks in between and it seems like I am always eating, but this is a key element to maintaining a fast metabolic rate.

I eat smaller portions.  In the past, I would eat to excess.  I thought you were supposed to eat until you felt full because that is what my body thought was normal.  Now, my portions are much smaller and remarkably they satisfy my hunger.  I am anxious and hungry before each meal and satisfied, not full, after each meal.  It really isn't that hard not to go back and get second portions, once your body becomes accustomed to smaller portions, it just seems natural to finish with your first servings.  It has been very nice not to have that "full" feeling I used to always get after eating meals.  That explains why "loading" days are so miserable for folks on their second round of the HCG protocol.  Their body is not used to eating to excess and you really feel horrible after eating that much food.  I know Stacy and I were in Vegas during our second round of the load days, and we felt absolutely misearable after eating at the Buffets.  I can't believe that I used to put my body through that so often in the past. 

I eat more healthy foods.  But, I truly feel like I have not sacrificed taste or enjoyment.  In fact, I enjoy eating more than ever and have a more diverse appetite.  I have really enjoyed cooking and creating recipes now.  Not only are my food choices healthier, they are tastier.  I eat more vegetables and greens than I ever have.  I try to buy organic meats, I avoid all soft drinks (and have not missed them), and I try to stay away from fast foods as much as possible.

My plan for this "life phase" is to continue to eat during the week pretty much like I have while on maintenance taking in 1500-1800 calories per day and avoiding sugars and starches.  However, on the weekends I will not be restrictive and will not hesitate to go out and order whatever I would like.  I will still watch my portions on the weekends and continue to eat frequently, but be assured that when I go to Babes I will be pertaking in the bisquits, mashed potatoes, and gravy.  I trust that my metabolism will take care of extra caloric intake that I have as long as I don't do that frequently.  I have learned that if you treat your body right, it in return will take care of you. 

I will not be reporting daily on the blog anymore, instead, I will update it three or so times a week and just give you the details of how things are going on the life phase as well as other tidbits going on in my life.  The blog will focus more on HCG Diet tips and converstation.  I would love it if some of the followers out there would get in the coversation and enter some post.  I would like to get this thing interactive to some degree.  Also, if you ever have any questions about the diet, please contact me and I will be more than happy to help you.  If I can't find the answer (because I certainly don't have them all), I will do my best to find it for you.  I have left my contact info below.  So until later this week, so long.     

Jim Miller
(806) 787-0640

10 Quotes in 10 Days from Dunder Mifflin Scranton Branch Office Manager himself (A Farewell Tribute to Michael Scott):

“People will never be replaced by machines. In the end, life and business are about human connections. And computers are about trying to murder you in a lake. And to me the choice is easy.”  - Michael Scott

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