Friday, April 29, 2011

Where is Oscar Wilde When You Need Him???

Please "crash" the Royal Wedding!!!
Ok, is it just me,and if it is, that's ok I'll accept being a grump, but I have a feeling there is quite a few red-blooded Americans out there like me that just don't give rat's behind about the "Royal Wedding" and are sick and tired of hearing about it.  Is there anything more pretentious than the British and the circus they try to create over their royalty?  Well, perhaps - THE AMERICAN MEDIA WHO COVERS THIS CRAPOLA LIKE IT IS REAL NEWS and yes, that is you Matt(Pretty Boy) Lauer.  Boy, would Oscar Wilde have a good time with our mainstream media, and I'm sure he would have some marvelous epigrams and sarcastic quips at the expense of the Royal Family and their pompous weddings.  I'm racked my brain on the drive into work this morning trying to come us with the some good things that have actually come from "across the pond" and I could not come up with many.  I mean after paying homage to the Beatles, Monty Python, and Michael Cain, I'm really struggling to think of anything from England that I think has made any significant contribution to our great American Culture - of course I'm sure there might be a couple things I have missed.  So today, in honor to all those Americans who could care less about the Royal Wedding and are tired of having it force-fed to us, I shall do two things:  1)Read me some Oscar Wilde; and 2) watch a couple of scenes from that American Classic - Wedding Crashers.  Too bad, Vaughn and Wilson couldn't take their act over to England to spread some good ol' American flair to the British - that would make them Royal Wedding Crashers!!  - enjoy!!

Well my weight is staying stabilize - 171.5lbs this morning and that was after a wonderful ribeye steak, some Jalepeno Sausage Bombers and a marvelous grilled chicken leg (all done on the Big Green Egg,) for dinner last night.    Here was the rest of the diet from yesterday: 

Breakfast:  3 Egg omelet w/onions, baby spinach leaves and 1/4 cup of shredded cheddar cheese:  340
                    1 med. Gala apple - 80

Snack:  1 med plum - 45
              1 kosher pickle spear - 5

Lunch:  1 skinless, boneless grilled chicken thigh - 110
              4 leafs of red lettuce - 20
              WASA multigrain crisp bread - 45
              1 kosher pickle spear - 5
              1 med. orange - 80

Snack:  1 hard boiled egg - 70
              1 kosher pickle spear - 5
              1 med gala apple - 80

Dinner:  8oz. grilled Ribeye Steak - 440
               2 cups of Spring Mix salad - 20
               WASA multigrain crisp bread - 45
               2 Jalepeno Sausage Bomb - 60
               1 med. orange - 80

Total Calories:  1520

10 Quotes in 10 Days from Dunder Mifflin Scranton Branch Office Manager himself (A Farewell Tribute to Michael Scott):
"I'm an early bird and a night owl. So I'm wise and I have worms."

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