Thursday, April 28, 2011

Curtain Call for a Sitcom Legend . . .

Cultural icon says goodbye tonight 
Tonight marks the end for Steve Carell's role as Michael Scott on the sitcom The Office.  In this the 7th season of the show, Michael Scott, leaves as Branch Manager of Dunder Mifflin.  I have been a huge Office fan since the beginning and numerous times, like nearly every episode, Michael Scott has made me laugh out loud.  Has anyone ever owned a role, like Carell has owned this one?  It would be hard to find anyone that has done it better.  So, it will be with great sadness, admiration, and gratitude that I watch the last Office episode with Michael Scott.  He has made my Thursday evenings very enjoyable for many years!!  - "That's what she said!"   I have copied a link of a YouTube video tribute to some of the funnier things Michael Scott said on the show - it is a few minutes long, but if you have the time, it will surely give you a few laughs.

This morning I weighed in at 171.5, so I am feeling really good about my metabolism settling and establishing it's burn rate at the weight for me.  I'm keeping my calories to around 1500 per day and working out 3 times a week.  Here was my maintenance diet for yesterday:

Breakfast:  3 eggs fried in organic EVO - 210
                    6oz. grilled pork chop - 210
                    1 med Gala apple - 80

Snack:  1 med. plum - 45 cal
              1 kosher pickle spear - 5

Lunch:  8oz grilled Ribeye steak - 260
              4 leafs of lettuce - 20
              1 kosher pickle spear - 5
              WASA multigrain crisp bread - 45
              1 cup of honey dew melon - 65

Snack:  1 hard boiled egg - 70
              1 kosher pickle spear - 5

Dinner:  8oz boneless skinless grilled chicken breast - 240
               2 cups of Herb Mix salad - 20
               WASA multigrain crisp bread - 45
               1 kosher pickle spear - 5
               1 Jalepeno Sausage Bomb (the BOMB) - 60
               1 med orange - 80

Snack:  1 med gala apple - 80
              1 kosher pickle spear - 5

Total Calories:  1555

10 Quotes in 10 Days from Dunder Mifflin Scranton Branch Office Manager himself (A Farewell Tribute to Michael Scott):
"I'm an early bird and a night owl. So I'm wise and I have worms."

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