Who has Yell Leaders instead of Cheerleaders? I'll tell you who - Freakin' Aggies |
The first thing I want to do is give the new HCGers some tips to starting out on the protocol so that they are able to maximize their weight loss. Remember, Phase 2 (drops and low calorie) has two purposes only: 1) losing as much weight as rapidly as possible; and 2) reshaping your body by mobilizing abnormal fat to other areas in your body where it is needed. Bottom line is that with both scenarios, you will be losing the unwanted fat in your problem areas. You are not concerned about resetting your metabolism or anything like that on this phase - just losing abnormal fat. Here are some other things to make sure you are aware of:
- make sure on your load days that you consume as many calories/fatty food as possible - but try to get them from non-sugar fats. Foods like pizza, pasta, mashed potatoes and breads are very good for this. The load days are important and don't start the drop phase without doing this.
- try to prepare your meals in advance for the week
- buy a good scale and weigh your foods before cooking. At Target I picked up a great scale that is digital and also calculates the actual calories based on the weight. The brand is Taylor.
- remember to drink plenty of water. A good formula to use is to take your weight, divide by 2, and drink that many ounces of water each day. Drinking plenty of water also helps with curbing your appetite and reduces cravings
- spicy foods also reduce your appetite, so if you enjoy spicy foods, eat them. Make sure you are reading ingredients on spices to make sure they don't contain sugars
- watch your lotions and bubble bath - many of these products contain sugar and calories can indeed be absorbed through the skin. There is a brand named Jason that has an organic aloe vera lotion that will work. You can begin using your Cinnamon Bun Flavor Lotion from Bath and Body works on the maintenance phase. My wife loves that place, sometimes when she walks by after lathering up, I get hungry!!
- get plenty of sleep. Try to get at least 8 hours. It is proven to help in weight loss. In fact, your body burns a lot of calories during sleep because it is working so hard to keep up your body temp while your heart rate is low. It is interesting that between the hours of 11pm - 2am the body loses the most calories during sleep. So watch the news and a little bit of Leno, then go to sleep and dream about strutting around the pool in a skimpy bikini, speedo, or even less if that's how you will roll after losing all this weight.
- stick to the foods on the protocol. Don't eat foods that are not on the list, even if you have been told that they are healthy and good for you. They may be, but for some reason Dr. Simeon doesn't want you eating those right now. So, step away from the Salmon sir, and the Turkey ma'm and nobody will gets hurt!
- Make sure you are weighing in the mornings and also measuring. Make sure you weigh after using the restroom and yes, you are supposed to weigh in the buff. But measuring is important as well, especially down the road when you hit stalls in weight loss - you will still be encouraged because you will find that you are still losing inches. Yes, you can and will lose inches and not pounds.
- avoid situations that will be tempting. If your neighbor is grilling brats in Shiner, don't go over and visit with him after mowing the yard. You will soon realize how much of our culture revolves around food and eating. Be prepared so you don't get yourself in a tough situation.
- Weekends can be tough, so be prepared mentally and keep as busy as possible.
- Don't worry about constipation or the opposite during the first few weeks of the drops phase. This is normal as you are not getting as much fiber and protein as normal. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and also check GNC for supplements that can keep you regular if you would like
The last sentence is harsh, but so true. The good news is that Phase 3 does this - it resets or corrects your metabolism. There are several factors that go into why our metabolism becomes bogged down and runs at a slower rate. Aging, illnesses, medications, less active lifestyle are all factors and sometimes we can't control or help these. However, the major reason that so many Americans have a slow metabolism and overweight is because of the ingredients and additives that are in our food. And you can control this. The really cool thing about this plan is that while you are working so hard to stay true to the protocol, you don't even realize that you are dramatically changing your eating habits and nutritional health. After you have completed the protocol you will realize that you don't want to eat the way you used to and because of that you will be able to maintain a healthier metabolism. That is an awesome feeling folks - life changing. The days of eating foods and feeling guilty about them are over. Instead, you will eat that piece of cheesecake with no guilt, but instead confidence - confidence that your metabolism will take care of you because you take care of it with your nutritional choices and consistency. Trudeau goes on to state that, "The most common myth is that to lose weight and keep it off you must eat less and exercise more. This is even the U.S. Government's "law" in relation to selling weight loss products. Fat people are told they have no willpower or self-control. This is untrue in most circumstances" (18). Basically, Trudeau places a lot of blame on the government and the food and medical industry for not addressing the problem with metabolism and consequently wanting to keep America fat. I'm not saying everything Trudeau says is correct, but when I choose who to believe - an individual or the government and big business, it really isn't that hard of a choice for me. I love this quote by Thomas Jefferson that I think could be attributed to what is going on today with the government: "If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in a sorry state as are the souls who live under tyranny." Something to think about . . .
Ok now for some D.A.P files. For those new to the blog, this is an acronym for "Dear Annoying Personality" and this is the second installment. Please see the June 10th blog for the first installment. Again, I will repeat my disclaimer in regards to this little attempt at humor and satire:
Ok, you have heard it said that "if you can't laugh at yourself . . ." - right? Well this entry will probably ridicule and satirize most everyone that is part of this blog (including myself) or at the very least, someone we know well. Hopefully the majority of the "jabs," all made in good fun of course, will target someone very close to you, such as a spouse, sibling, or co-worker so you can have something to rib them about in the days to come. With that being said, fellas, I am not responsible for any cold treatment, running up of credit cards, or couch-sleeping that may be a result of you blurting out "hey honey, the drops guy is talking about you in the blog today." Ok, so now that with have the legaleze out of the way, let us now procede to what I like to call the D.A.P Files, which stands for "Dear Annoying Personality." And away we go - hang on, and check your feelings in at the door.
Dear 15 Handicapper who Plays the Back Tees:
For the love of God, who are you trying to fool teeing up back there where the club champions play from? There is a reason that the golf course has given you several different options of where you can tee up from - so you can actually have a chance to par a hole or two today. It is obvious that your purchase of an over-sized, gaudy golf bag, top-rated equipment, and attire that would put a dent in, even, Freddy Couples wallet has not improved your game one stroke, or fooled the golf gods nor the rest of us who have to wait for you to retrieve your Pro V's from the creek that runs only 173 yards from the BACK TEES. Do us all a favor and leave your vanity and in the trunk of you car along with your Knickers and tee it up at the blue tees with the rest of us hackers.
If you show up looking like this, you had better be able to play! |
Dear Left Lane Speed Limit Driver:
Do you ever wonder why people are flying by you on the passenger side of your Imported Hybrid with expressions of shock, awe, and often foaming at the mouth? Do you get tired of getting the bird from fellow motorist? It's great and even admirable that your observe speed limits to the letter of the law and that you have no particular place or time that you have to be anywhere. We all wish we had had nothing to do but spend the afternoon at Michaels and Borders checking out Oprah's latest recommendations. Please glance in the rear view mirror, consider the epic traffic jam and impending road rage you have created, turn your blinker on, and get in the right lane so the rest of us can break the law.
Dear Parent who Dresses Like Their Teenager:
The fact that your daughter and/or son are struggling with identity issues and are seeking validation and acceptance with their sagging pants, skinny jeans, tattoos, and shrapnel lodged all over their face and who knows where else, is disturbing enough. But, your sharing their fashion choices is indeed quite pathetic. Hey Dad, did you know there is an unwritten law that after you are over the age of 25 you are not allowed to wear a sports jersey unless you are actually attending a game, playing in a game, washing the car, or using it for luck in a poker game? So please stop showing up to Meet the Teacher Night with your son wearing matching Kobe Bryant jerseys. And oh mom, do you know how difficult it is for school officials to impress upon your daughter the importance of the school's dress code when you show up to bring her Starbucks wearing skinny jeans that have "pink" emblazened on the backside that most certainly required some type of pulley system to squeeze into and a spaghetti strap blouse that would make Lady Ga Ga blush? Your insecure kiddos and their friends do not think you are hip or cool, and in fact, they find it quite embarassing that they keep bumping into you at Abercrombie and the Wet Seal. So shop with the rest of us at Dillards and Pennys.
A pant suit or will do just fine Mom. |
I enjoy having you over for brats and beer. I look forward to playing 18 with you or taking in a ballgame. However, I do not enjoy it when you rub my shoulders. I don't know if it is a cousin to the awkward man-hug, but there is no place for it in our friendship. Ok the fact that it actually feels good and you have very strong hands has no bearing at all and you should never do this again. I'm quite positive this is your misguided attempt to let me know how awesome of a buddy you think I am or how good the steaks on the grill look, but the very miniscule notion that it might mean something else makes this truly unenjoyable for me and everyone else around. A simple knuckle bump or high-fiver will do just fine. Please know also, if my suspicions that you are also secretly smelling my hair are confirmed, I can no longer be your "bro."
No Bro!!!!!!!! |
Well I hope I have not offended too many of you, but I have made each of you smile just a bit. I am signing off and will be on my way shortly to Aggie Land. I will have my phone with me, so I am on call as far as HCG emergencies or questions, so do not hesitate. Again, have a great weekend and continue losing weight one drop at a time.
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